All Hail the Mighty Bend Brewfest!
Three days of craft beer bliss on the beautiful grass of the Les Schwab Amphitheater, along the banks of the Deschutes River in the paradise that is Bend, Oregon. Enough said…but we’ll keep going anyway.The 30,000 people filter in and out over the course of the three day beer festival and have their chance to taste over 165 beers all in one glorious spot. 1,000 volunteers donate their time to pour all of the beer and simultaneously support three local non-profits that are beneficiaries of the fest. art installation is painted and developed by various artists, beer themed of course. The aroma of homebrew in the air as the local homebrewers club brews beer live during the fest; their shirts proudly stating, “Ask Me About Beer”, making it easy for anyone with a burning desire to find out more about brewing or how to find their next favorite beer.Three days of craft beer bliss on the beautiful grass of the Les Schwab Amphitheater
One of our favorite aspects is having the brewers talk one on one with the people that love their beer while sipping on it in the Brewtality Tent, a space designed for the beer geek in all of us. We know you want to meet the brewer of one of your favorite beers and ask them a dozen questions and shake their hand, and we decided that can be done.
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[/su_column] [su_column size="2/3"]The Brewtality Tent is where you’ll find the big brewers, the homebrewing club, the local bottle shop doing demonstrations with ingredients, the Xtap and the fellow beer geeks. This is where it gets extra awesome. The Xtap pours small batch specialty beers in 1/6 barrel kegs throughout the fest and once the beer is gone, it’s gone. We print a schedule of the beers that will be appearing on the Xtap in our Brewfest Guide so you have the upper hand and can plan your beer tasting experience. We coincide that tap list with the brewers that appear in the tent which really ties it all together. Like the Dude’s rug.[/su_column] [/su_row]
We pride ourselves in having a Brewfest that both the amateur and the beer aficionado can enjoy. And we ourselves learn something that we can do to better improve everyone’s experience every year. The day after the fest is over we start brainstorming all over again. Over a beer of course.