My Trip to the Fyne Ales Brewery
So I was in the area, well visiting friends ... Not many people wander towards the beautiful Scottish highlands with its beautiful mountains and sparkling glacia streams. I stumbled across a little brewery and couldn't resist having a look.[su_row][su_column size="1/2"][/su_column] [su_column size="1/2"]This was the Fyne Ales brewery that is situated beside Loch Fyne, (who would have guessed it)! To be fair I'd never heard of it, all that I have ever associated the loch with is it's fyne ;) seafood ... but by the end of this journey I was ashamed.[/su_column][/su_row]So here I was and I opted in for the tour ... This place was created in 2001 and I know that everyone is probably thinking, well a brewery is a brewery, but trust me this one was different! For starters, it sources all of it's water from a mountain stream metres away and secondly it still brews traditionally. No automated temperature gauges or really technical equipment, just a team of brewers who wake up at 2am and go down to check the temperature ... now that's dedication![su_row][su_column size="1/2"]
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[/su_column][/su_row]I could go through the whole making process, but most of us have heard it before and there are better sites to show you this. I then got to the good part the tasting! I tried four in total, two of them Jarl which ironically is the Champion Beer of Scotland and Highlander were so good that they have made What I learnt was that it is easy to make a "good" beer, but to make a good beer again and again and again takes dedication and I commend these great brewers. They do their thing and we home brewers do our thing.Fyne Ales also have a festival in June which is definitely worth checking out!If you have any good breweries that you think I should visit and have a pint please email me.