12/11/23 Beer Yeti visits Big Mountian Brewery Chamonix France! Previous CRAZY!! RUNNING into Wendle from Texas in France!? Beer Bar in France?? Yes! Next Italy! Crazy pretty in the fall! You Might Also Like Brewfest Steep Brewing - Keystone Colorado Great Brewery in Houston - Love their Dogs! Bruge, so nice we had to do it twice! Something different!! Whiskey on a beer channel? Yes!
12/11/23 Beer Yeti visits Big Mountian Brewery Chamonix France! Previous CRAZY!! RUNNING into Wendle from Texas in France!? Beer Bar in France?? Yes! Next Italy! Crazy pretty in the fall! You Might Also Like Brewfest Steep Brewing - Keystone Colorado Great Brewery in Houston - Love their Dogs! Bruge, so nice we had to do it twice! Something different!! Whiskey on a beer channel? Yes!