Quad State Beer Fest! October 1, 2016
Join award winning breweries, representatives, and 2,000+ local beer enthusiasts for an epic day of tasting the best beers from the Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Virginia region. In all, over 30 breweries and 70 beers are present at the event.Quad State Beer Fest is held at the new, lush and expansive Washington County Agricultural Education Center and boasts great local food and music, as well as a Home Brew Competition sponsored by Blue Mountain Wine Crafters.[su_row][su_column size="1/3"][/su_column] [su_column size="2/3"]While October is a great month for new beers, it also makes a great stage for the local charity that the festival partners with. Breast Cancer Awareness – Cumberland Valley receives the net proceeds of this event each year!Mountain Maryland Events, LLC proudly partners with Antietam Brewery, the county's only current craft brewery. Together we welcome sponsors, vendors, breweries, and beer fans from all across the four state region and beyond to join us for this awesome annual event!Check out the Quad State Beer Fest website here and Facebook here & Tickets here![/su_column] [/su_row][su_row][su_column size="1/2"]
[su_gmap height="240" address="[su_gmap height='240' address='7303 Sharpsburg Pike Boonsboro, MD 21713']"